27 April 2011

Focusing on what's important

Today's a good reminder of what's really important. I woke up this morning feeling like my noodle arms were about to fall off. The Army had me hanging from a pull-up bar yesterday morning for PT, and today my arms are reminding me of why I joined the Air Force (and how much I can learn from the guys here).

We had a bunch of speed and agility drills this morning at PT, then Fish and I went for a quick run to stretch out our legs. Thank goodness there is someone else here who loves to run as much as I do. He does an excellent job keeping me sane.

We stumbled our way through breakfast, and I've been trying to keep a close eye on the guys to see who's gimping around after PT, who looks miserable about being here, and just doing the daily visual check-in. This morning I caught Tattoo with his ear to the cell phone much more often than usual.

He's stationed at a non-traditional Air Force unit in another southern state, and this morning his house was damaged by a tornado. The house is vacant (thankfully), but watching him struggle through the beginnings of an insurance claim from several states away was a somber reminder of the struggles we all have ahead. He's managing this challenge from the same time zone, in the same country. No one died. No one was severely injured. In the grand scheme, it's just property damage...something that when we really get down to it can be replaced.

I couldn't help but wonder, as I was watching him, what any leader can do in combat to console an Airman. Because, really, this is the simple stuff...property damage...and I had a tough time. So when it's the big stuff...like death...I wonder where I'll find the words.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbAs95x47Oc
    Quite matching: I typed in "Wanderlust at war" at youtube and thought: Yes, Pocahontas!
    Miss you - sending you all my love
